Coppell ATA – Bo Staff Weekend Camp, June 13 -15

Coppell ATA – Bo Staff Weekend Camp, June 13 -15


Come visit me at my home school!  Coppell ATA is my where I train and where last years Camp of Champions was held.

This seminar covers extreme and creatvie Bo, Open hand and tricking.  This is the perfect time to get yourself ready Worlds in July.

It all starts June 13th with a free into class.  There will be something for everyone at this camp.  See you there!

Dates Undefined table data
One Seminar$30.00
Two Seminars$50.00
Three Seminars$75.00
Location Coppell ATA Training Academy
110 W Sandy Lake Road
Suite 160
Coppell TX-Texas 75019

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