TForceElite Extreme and Creative Seminar- 1/10/16 Coppell ATA Training Academy

TForceElite Extreme and Creative Seminar- 1/10/16 Coppell ATA Training Academy

Coppell 16



This will be a jam packed seminars to get you over the holiday feasts and ready to compete and step up your training.

We will cover Chucks, Bo, Open Hand, Extreme Kicking and Tricking.  But believe me there will be something for everyone and we will tailor groups around skill sets.  All belt levels welcome…just the desire to work hard and learn.

Trace Megellas and Paige Bantum train at Coppell ATA Training Academy and hold over 60 World Titles in 6 leagues.

Coppell’s new location is top of the line and designed from the ground up to be a martial arts school. Whether your returning students or new students this will be a seminar you will be glad you came to!

For more information on Coppell Training Academy please

Dates Undefined table data
Location Coppell ATA Training Academy
110 W Sandy Lake Road
Suite 160
Coppell TX-Texas 75019

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