TForceElite Seminar- 11/5/16- South Austin ATA, Austin,TX

TForceElite Seminar- 11/5/16- South Austin ATA, Austin,TX

SAustin Flyer rev2

We are very excited for our first trip out to South Austin ATA, and cannot wait to see what these students are capable of. This will be an all weapons seminar. There will be 3 different sessions.

Session A: 10AM-11AM Extreme Bo Staff basics with Trace Megellas

Session B: 11AM-12PM Extreme Chucks Basics with Paige Bantum

Session C1 and C2 will be held at the same time, 1-2:30PM.

C1: Advanced Extreme Bo Staff

C2: Advanced Extreme Chucks

If you choose to do one session, the cost will be $35.

If you choose to do 2 sessions, the cost will be $60

If you chose to do all 3 sessions, it will be a cost of $75

We hope to see you there!

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South Austin ATA
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