TforceElite Camp of Champions- 7/28- 7/29 Sulpher Springs ATA, Sulpher Springs,TX

TforceElite Camp of Champions- 7/28- 7/29 Sulpher Springs ATA, Sulpher Springs,TX


We cannot wait to return to one of our favorite schools in Texas at Sulpher Springs ATA! This will be a 2 day camp, July 28-29, 2016. In this camp we will cover bo staff, chucks, open hand and tricking! You will learn 3 “mini” forms as well as many advanced manipulations with the weapons. Each day there will be 4 hours of training with an hour lunch break!

The schedule for the camp is as follows:

July 28,2016- 10AM-2PM

-10-12 Bo staff basics, trick as well as a start to your form.

-12-1 Lunch break.

-1-2 Open hand and tricking

July 29,2016 10AM-2Pm

-10-12 Advanced bo staff, higher level manipulation and finish of the bo staff form

-12-1 Lunch break.

– 1-2 Chuck basics, rolls and releases, and learn extreme competition style chuck form.

Hope to see you there!


Dates Undefined table data
Sulpher Springs 2016$99.00
Location Sulphur Springs ATA
1402 Mockingbird Lane
Sulphur Springs TX 75482
Hosted By TForceElite: Camp of Champions

Dallas Texas 76051
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