{{TForceElite Athlete of the Month – December/2013}}
School or Dojo: Titanes Martial Arts Senora, Mexico
Head Instructor: Luis Gutierrez Sr
His Bio – worth the read!!!
*THIS IS COOL: His mother was pregnant with Luis when she won 2 tournaments in sparring, I guess you could say fighting is in his blood! He claims he started fighting before he was born!!
*HE HAS MADE HIS OWN MARK: Luis is a Senora, Mexico State Champion in Judo, Amateur Kick Boxing and MMA and a World Champion in Point and Continuous sparring in NBL and IKC.
He has big inspirations to be the best fighter in different combat sports and eventually to go on to be a Pro Fighter.
*OVER THE NEXT 12 MONTHS: Luis is looking to join an international sponsored team and fight in different leagues including NASKA, NBL and WAKO.
*If you want to see some hard nose and stylish sparring look for the ring with the most spectators around it and you will likely find Luis in the middle of a match!
TForceElite is honored to recognize Luis Alejandro Gutierrez as our athlete of the month!