
The League Triple Crown Tournaments – TForceElite

Last weekend marked my 3rd trip to Cali competing in The League Triple Crown Tournaments. 

“The Triple Crown Award is one of the major individual awards given out by the LEAGUE. It displays an athlete’s dominance in their respected Grand Champion grouping. As tough as it is winning in a division, it is even more of a challenge beating out other FIRST PLACE divisional winners in a Grand Champion runoff. Winning Grand Champion at least three separate times is a truly amazing feat and most deserving of a majestic Triple Crown Award. Those few athletes who earn the coveted award will receive them at the Coronation of Champions presentation at the World League Finals X in October.”…Tony Kattengell, The League VP of Operations.

I trained very hard for this…the challenge to win 3 Grands in a row was exhilarating. I am so excited to have won the Triple Crown in both Musical Weapons and Musical Forms! Aside of that I met so many new friends…the entire environment around the tournaments was awesome…from competitors, promoters, judging, awards and just great people!


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